Tag: CentOS

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Node Version Manager, also known as NVM, is used to control and manage multiple active versions of Node.js in one system. It is a command line utility and a bash script that allows programmers to shift between different versions of Node.js.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

Pip (also known as Pip3 — corresponding to Python 3) is a tool for installing and managing Python packages (the name "Pip" is a recursive anagram for "Pip Installs Packages"). It is considered by many to be essential for developing Python packages. If you're developing or distributing Python packages, Pip is a must-have. In this guide, you will be shown a few methods for installing Pip, as well as a few steps you can take to verify the installation was successful, giving you a smooth start to Python 3 package development. Let's review how to install Pip on CentOS 7.

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Get Kernel Version for Linux: A Guide

Posted on by Neil Golden | Updated:
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Linux kernel is the core of the Linux operating system and is responsible for managing system resources such as the CPU, memory, and input/output devices. It is a program that interacts between the hardware and the software, enabling communication between them.

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What is AlmaLinux?

Posted on by Alison Gray | Updated:
Reading Time: 3 minutes

What is AlmaLinux? It is an open source 1:1 binary compatible fork of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). The AlmaLinux foundation was founded by CloudLinux, which invested $1 million. They wanted to provide a long-term stable operating system (OS) version. AlmaLinux was first released in March of 2021 and has recently released another stable version, AlmaLinux 8.5.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

osquery is a powerful tool for system monitoring and operating system instrumentation that collects system metrics and data points for Security, DevOps, and Compliance teams. The information is stored in a high-performance relational database and can be accessed locally or remotely by using SQL-like statements. 

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

OpenStack is an open-source platform used primarily for managing the hardware, storage, and network setup of your cloud environments through a web browser dashboard or a command line. In addition to management of your cloud, you can also build and deploy your instances. 

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

While many know daemons from Greek mythology, we will learn what a daemon is in the world of software. If you ever manually installed software or a service on your server, a daemon runs in the background. This article will discuss what daemons are, the difference between a daemon and a process, the most common daemons, and how to use daemons on CentOS 6 and CentOS 7.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

CentOS is without doubt one of the most widely used Linux distributions, mainly among Linux servers. It's a free, community-supported fork of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) that provides a stable and fine-tuned operating system. 

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Reading Time: 7 minutes
Vault Logo

What is Vault?

Vault protects and secures access to multiple types of confidential data. It stores and manages sensitive password information, API keys, and access tokens that exist in a low trust environment and generates dynamic access to authenticate users to ensure they have authorized ingress and availability to a file, location, service, or application.

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